Looking for inspiration or information on how to use our textured formliners? Our Lookbook is a collection of new interpretations of our most exciting motifs. All textured formliners in our ‘SELECT’ design series can be found in the Patternbook. Our in-house magazine FORMLINER collects exciting façade design case studies from around the globe. Product datasheets and work instructions make it easier for you to use our formliners. We provide architects with tender texts and BIM files.
Want more details on using our chemical products? Technical datasheets provide data on the properties and use of our Precision Chemicals. For safe use and optimal results.
1/01 Amrum
1/12 Rügen
1/138 Elsass
1/174 Gascogne
1/43 Corse
2/109 Oriental 9
2/111 Oriental 11
2/112 Oriental 12
2/125 Dordogne
2/141 Dachstein
2/151 Gironde
2/169 Columbia
2/174 Breisgau
2/181 Asturias
2/185 Simmental
2/186 Dalarna
2/187 Abruzzo
2/188 Champagne
2/190 Ardenne
2/191 Burgenland
2/195 Gysenberg
2/203 Samara
2/208 Volta
2/209 Newa
2/210 Venezia
2/212 Tyra
2/217 Ribble
2/236 California
2/241 Hawaii
2/242 Borneo
2/244 Jamaica
2/246 Delaware
2/247 Brisbane
2/248 Cooper
2/249 Victoria
2/251 Beaumont
2/318 Pierre de Sable
2/37 Lenne
2/42 Naab
2/45 Oder
2/49 Saale
2/50 Sieg
2/53 Weser
2/61 Thames
2/701 Liberty
2/98 Moldau
2/100 Year
2/115 Pastilles
2/117 Ripple 5-Fold
2/118 Ripple 2-Fold
2/119 Pikes
2/120 Rhombus
2/194 Antislip
2/198 Ripple 1-Fold
2/200 Sodingen
2/201 Mecklenburg
2/231 Tauber
2/80 Grid Fix
2/81 Plafond
1/124 B Taro
1/126 B Larnaka
1/134 Riviera
1/148 Lanzarote
1/171 Sinus 18/76
1/172 Sinus 27/100
1/173 Thur
1/176 Rába
1/199 Bohemia
1/21 B Malta
1/245 Nevada
1/30 Rib Type A
1/31 Rib Type C
1/316 B Pennsilva
1/36 Rib Type H
1/37 B Rib Type J
1/40 Rib Type M
1/41 B Ibiza
1/42 Madeira
1/45 B Sicilia
1/46 Rib Type N
1/47 Rib Type P
2/106 B Amur
2/107 B Mekong
2/108 B Indus
2/150 B Vosges
2/175 Friesland
2/197 Holledau
2/211 Sambre
2/29 Fulda
2/30 B Havel
2/63 WISLA
2/75 Köcher
2/77 Tigris
2/87 B Ohio
2/94 Orinoco
2/95 Amazonas
2/102 Parana
2/103 Lena
2/104 Sambesi
2/131 Lausitz
2/34 Lahn
2/62 Tevere
2/69 Marne
2/76 NIL
2/91 Rio Grande
2/92 RIO Bravo
2/93 Red River
1/352 Embrun
1/354 Durance
2/121 Cheyenne 1- 7
2/122 Yukon
2/123 Tennessee
2/128 Hudson
2/130 Pommern
2/136 Bretagne
2/139 Auvergne
2/143 Solling
2/147 Allgäu
2/149 Tirol
2/156 Steinwald
2/157 Fichtelberg
2/160 Via Appia
2/164 Brabant
2/173 Santa Cruz 1-4
2/180 Steiermark
2/219 Mersey
2/235 Kerry
2/238 Via Aurelia
2/239 Sumatra
2/250 Duncan
2/312 Engadin
2/353 Tarn
2/374 La Reunion
2/40 Möhne
2/41 Mosel
2/65 Drau
2/70 Po
2/72 Ob
2/78 Ganges
2/79 Mayenne
2/89 Duero
2/90 Travertin
2/99 Salzach
Be Squared
Big Data
Bubble Tea
Drip Drops
Flames of Paradise
Flower Power
Game Control
Honey Bees
Knitting Needles
1/03 Fehmarn
1/04 Föhr
1/10 Pellworm
1/11 Reichenau
1/18 Bornholm
1/24 Gotland
1/317 Rustic
1/331 Etampes
2/152 Martinique
2/154 Venta
2/163 Fraser
2/168 Somme
2/20 Ahr
2/21 Aller
2/22 Altmühl
2/227 Tirari
2/237 Java
2/24 Donau
2/24 Donau (Butted Joint Boards)
2/240 Bali
2/25 Eder
2/252 Taipa
2/26 Elbe
2/31 Iller
2/32 Inn
2/35 Alster N
2/35 N Alster (Butted Joint Boards)
2/47 Rhein
2/48 Ruhr
2/51 Spree
2/73 Tisa
2/74 Ural
2/82 Colorado
2/84 Missouri
2/97 Kongo
1/138 Elsass
1/43 Corse
2/109 Oriental 9
2/111 Oriental 11
2/112 Oriental 12
2/125 Dordogne
2/141 Dachstein
2/151 Gironde
2/169 Columbia
2/174 Breisgau
2/181 Asturias
2/185 Simmental
2/186 Dalarna
2/187 Abruzzo
2/188 Champagne
2/190 Ardenne
2/191 Burgenland
2/195 Gysenberg
2/203 Samara
2/208 Volta
2/209 Newa
2/210 Venezia
2/217 Ribble
2/236 California
2/241 Hawaii
2/242 Borneo
2/244 Jamaica
2/318 Pierre de Sable
2/37 Lenne
2/42 Naab
2/45 Oder
2/49 Saale
2/50 Sieg
2/61 Thames
2/701 Liberty
2/98 Moldau
2/117 Ripple 5-Fold
2/119 Pikes
2/120 Rhombus
1/124 B Taro
1/126 B Larnaka
1/173 Thur
1/176 Rába
1/199 Bohemia
1/31 Rib Type C
1/316 B Pennsilva
1/36 Rib Type H
1/37 B Rib Type J
1/41 B Ibiza
1/47 Rib Type P
2/106 B Amur
2/107 B Mekong
2/108 B Indus
2/150 B Vosges
2/175 Friesland
2/29 Fulda
2/30 B Havel
2/63 WISLA
2/75 Köcher
2/77 Tigris
2/95 Amazonas
2/102 Parana
2/34 Lahn
2/69 Marne
1/352 Embrun
2/121 Cheyenne 1- 7
2/122 Yukon
2/123 Tennessee
2/128 Hudson
2/130 Pommern
2/136 Bretagne
2/139 Auvergne
2/143 Solling
2/149 Tirol
2/156 Steinwald
2/157 Fichtelberg
2/160 Via Appia
2/164 Brabant
2/173 Santa Cruz 1-4
2/180 Steiermark
2/219 Mersey
2/235 Kerry
2/238 Via Aurelia
2/239 Sumatra
2/312 Engadin
2/374 La Reunion
2/40 Möhne
2/41 Mosel
2/65 Drau
2/72 Ob
2/78 Ganges
2/79 Mayenne
2/89 Duero
2/90 Travertin
1/03 Fehmarn
1/10 Pellworm
1/11 Reichenau
1/24 Gotland
1/317 Rustic
1/331 Etampes
2/152 Martinique
2/163 Fraser
2/168 Somme
2/21 Aller
2/22 Altmühl
2/227 Tirari
2/237 Java
2/24 Donau (Butted Joint Boards)
2/240 Bali
2/26 Elbe
2/31 Iller
2/32 Inn
2/35 Alster N
2/48 Ruhr
2/51 Spree
2/74 Ural
2/82 Colorado
2/84 Missouri
PUR-Colour Paste
Stop Off Paste PUR
Stripping Wax TL
Stripping Wax TL-Eco
Stripping Wax TL-SO
Stripping Wax TL-W
EcoSil 25
Si-Compound 10.15
Si-Compound 20
Si-Compound 20 translucent
Si-Compound 6.25
Si-Mould Paste HR-N
PUR-Elastomer A45
PUR-Elastomer A60
PUR-Elastomer A70
PUR-Elastomer K
PUR-Elastomer SR30
Epoxy BT
Epoxy Compound 51/30
Epoxy Compound 71/30
Mould Wax
PUR-Sealant LI
RECKLI Stripping Aid K
Si-Stripping Lacquer
Si-Stripping Lacquer
Si-Thickener Liquid AV
Si-Thickener Liquid K
Adhesive Paste EP
Epoxy Flex Filler
Epoxy GF Filler
Epoxy GS
Epoxy OH
Epoxy OH Blue
Rapid Epoxy Type LS
Supporting Mass EP-F Type VB
Construction Resin EP
Construction Resin EP Rapid
Electro Resin EP
Epoxy GC
Epoxy LB
Epoxy LB Clear
Epoxy PB
Epoxy WST
Flooring Resin EP
Injection Resin EP
Polymer Resin EP