Functional and aesthetic

The goal is to muffle noise, the aesthetic is anything but quiet: When building noise barriers, the combination of US Formliner formliners and special concrete guarantees the desired effect - and provides an interesting design element. 

Road, air traffic, or industrial noise: If you need the noise to stay outside, you need noise barriers. Noise barriers provide an obstacle for sound waves that either diverts or partially absorbs them. One of the building materials used is concrete, as it’s low-maintenance, resistant to aging, and long-lasting. 

US Formliner formliners can contribute to noise reduction when building concrete noise barriers. Texture alone doesn’t reduce noise; however, when you create textured concrete, you increase the surface area over which the sound-absorbant concrete can be used. This, combined with porous aggregate concrete, creates noise reduction. The rock particles in porous aggregate concrete are equally sized and therefore only lightly touch instead of joining together. This creates air pockets, which give the concrete an especially raw surface. At the same time, they absorb some of the sound waves.

Ribbed and wave patterns are often used to increase surface area. When it comes to design, anything from motifs to playful ornaments is possible.
